sunnuntai 17. kesäkuuta 2012

Article from Dr. Humphries

Tätä artikkelia en valitettavasti ehdi ihan pian suomentamaan, pojat palaavat matkalta huomenna ja talo on taas täynnä säpinää.

Jos yhtään kiinnostaa ymmärtää tautia paremmin ja jos yhtään kiinnostaa rokotteiden vaaralliset ainesosat ja niiden yhteys näihin idiopaattisiin tauteihin, jos olet epäillyt maitotuotteiden tervellisyyttä, ja jos kiinnostaa lukea, mitä erittäin koulutettu lääkäri, joka on erikoistunut nefrologiaan, sanoo aiheesta, tämä artikkeli on täynnä asiaa ja antaa paljon ajateltavaa!


Even reading her credentials makes me want to book a plane ticket and set up a tent on her doorstep.

Dr. Suzanne Humphries is a conventionally educated medical doctor who has taken the walk into, around, and out of the allopathic paradigm. She fully and successfully participated in the conventional system for 19 years, witnessing first-hand how that approach fails patients and creates new disease time and again. Prior to medical school, she earned a bachelor’s degree in physics from Rutgers University. After two years as the head technician in a research biochemistry lab, she went to medical school, graduating from Temple University School of Medicine in 1993. She then studied internal medicine in the Bronx, NY where she completed her 3-year medical residency. At this juncture, Dr Humphries became more aware of the failures of primary care medicine, observing that doctors are largely trained to prescribe drugs and hunt down disease. Despite this approach, the patients continued to get sicker, requiring more drugs and ultimately developing degenerative diseases. Not wanting involvement in the generation of chronically ill patients, she opted to work at the other end of the allopathic continuum and completed a fellowship in Nephrology. After 14 years of practicing allopathic kidney medicine, her perspective on the overall success of the allopathic paradigm has developed and matured. She views allopathic medicine as an overused system- that when implemented as first line treatment across-the-board for mild illnesses and symptoms, will mostly just drive chronic illnesses deeper and more seriously into the patient.

Now reading what she has to say makes me want to have a stiff drink.

What an extremely interesting article. A lot to think about. If at all interested in vaccines and the ingredients in them, if at all suspicious about cow´s milk in our diets, if baffled where these diseases called "idiopathic" could come from, like me, you will have a lot to chew on with this.

Doctors are aware of the potentially devastating side effects of treatment, which consists of very high doses of corticosteroids and immune-suppressing drugs such as cyclophosphamide or chlorambucil, prescribed for months. It is safe to say that once these drugs are used, the patient will never be the same, barring a miracle or aggressive alternative and nutritional/detoxification intervention. Atherosclerosis, cancer, and diabetes are among the more common side effects of these drugs. Life–threatening infections can and do occur.

While much of how we treat children is based upon experience in treating adults, treatment is not always parallel in success or side effects. Greater than 80% of membranous nephropathy in adults is IDIOPATHIC, and the best form of treatment is controversial. Treatment is always touch and go, and quite nerve racking to doctor and patient. Don’t you think that this degree of idiopathic disease is very high, given that idiopathic means that doctors will never determine the cause?

When children present with nephrotic syndrome, they are initially treated with a 28-day course of steroids. If they do not respond to that, they undergo a kidney biopsy. Nephrology literature suggests that the underlying pathology of childhood nephropathy is changing and has become more severe and steroid resistant.

Last year I wrote a rather long and fully-referenced TOME where I suggested that if doctors started to look for the cause of “idiopathic” kidney disease, they would discover readily identifiable stimuli, and among them will be vaccines. Here, the authors validate this suggestion:

It is likely that a growing number of cases of “idiopathic” membranous nephropathy will be reclassified as secondary once nonglomerular antigens are identified.

And while they implicate dietary cow’s milk as one possible stimulus, they ultimately squeeze in a little statement at the end, saying…

Although further epidemiologic studies are needed, absorption of dietary modified bovine serum albumin and immunization against bovine serum albumin should be considered a potential cause of membranous nephropathy in young children and should prompt a search for bovine serum albumin in immune deposits.”

Then I should just copy the whole article here, where she explains the link between vaccinations and cow´s milk, but it is all in the link, saved in my favourites. Oh my.

So I will say it… in an age where “idiopathic” and devastating kidney diseases occur in children, you might want to consider the health of your children’s kidneys before vaccinating them.

Today we have shown you that a less-common form of nephrotic syndrome could be caused by a common vaccine ingredient – Bovine Serum Albumin. How much minimal change nephrotic syndrome is caused by vaccine ingredients? We don’t know. Doctors just give children steroids to suppress the symptoms, never knowing what the cause was, and seem all too comfortable in labeling it “idiopathic.”

For now, parents have to rely on their common sense and good judgment.

Amen to that.

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